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5 Things Responsible for High Energy Bills during the Winter

5 Things Responsible for High Energy Bills during the Winter
Nobody likes getting a high electric bill each month, especially during winter when people are using the most energy to stay warm. Instead of just accepting these excessive bills as a normal part of your budget, it’s essential to understand the main contributors so that you can make informed decisions about how best to manage and even reduce energy costs in your home. Keep reading for an overview of five common things responsible for jacking up those winter electricity bills — from the temperature setting on thermostats to air leakage around windows and within heating equipment room insulation levels.

Poor Insulation

One of the primary causes of high energy bills during the winter is poor insulation. If your home is not adequately insulated, heat will escape through the walls and ceilings, causing your heating system to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. As a result, you’ll see a significant increase in your energy bills.

Drafty Windows and Doors

Another common cause of high energy bills is drafty windows and doors. If there are gaps or cracks around your windows and doors, heat will escape from your home, causing your heating system to work overtime. To prevent this from happening, be sure to check for gaps and seal them with caulk or weatherstripping.

Old or Inefficient Heating System

It may be time for an upgrade if you have an old or inefficient heating system. Older heating systems tend to be much less efficient than newer ones, so they use more energy to heat your home. If you’re using an older heating system, you may see a significant increase in your energy bills during winter.

Running the Heater 24/7

Another common cause of high energy bills is running the heater 24/7. While it’s essential to keep your home warm during the winter, you don’t need to keep the heater on all day and night. Turn the thermostat down when you’re not home so the heater doesn’t run unnecessarily. And when you’re asleep, there’s no need to keep the house as warm as it is during the daytime hours.

Incorrect Thermostat Settings

Finally, one of the most common causes of high energy bills is incorrect thermostat settings. If your thermostat is set too high, your heating system will run unnecessarily, leading to higher energy bills. Conversely, if your thermostat is set too low, your home may not be comfortable enough during winter. To ensure that your home is comfortable and your energy bills are as low as possible, be sure to set your thermostat to a comfortable temperature that won’t cause your heating system to work overtime.
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